The Customer is an IT product company that specializes in healthcare applications.
The Customer’s Salesforce Sales Cloud-based solution didn’t correspond to their business needs. In particular, the sales process was hampered due to the automated Opportunity field updates that weren’t working at particular Opportunity stages. The decision-making and sales activities planning were impeded by non-comprehensive reports. Particular data sets, which should have been viewed by sales managers and C-suite members only, were exposed to sales reps, due to the absence of object-level and field-level security, which violated the Customer’s internal policies.
The Customer used the Professional edition of Salesforce Sales Cloud, which didn’t allow code-based customization, so they needed to have the solution configured with point-and-click tools.
ScienceSoft’s Salesforce team reviewed the faulty automated Opportunity field updates, which weren’t working at particular Opportunity stages. Upon completion of the review, the team used the Process Builder to replace the faulty updates with new ones that reflected the Customer’s sales specifics to the full. It helped to achieve the relevance of the info at the Opportunity stages in Salesforce CRM.
To enable comprehensive reporting, ScienceSoft’s Salesforce team created two custom report types for Account and Opportunity objects using default Salesforce reporting functionality. Enabling custom report types allowed reflecting the state of Accounts and Opportunities clearly, thus adding to the reports’ comprehensiveness.
To provide role-based user access to particular Salesforce objects and their fields to certain user groups, ScienceSoft’s Salesforce team introduced user profiles and permission sets with default Salesforce functionality. It allowed restraining the sales reps’ access to sensitive info about the Customer’s clients, which should have been available to sales managers and C-suite members only.
The Customer had their Salesforce Sales Cloud-based solution adjusted to their business needs. Tuned automated Opportunity field updates made the info on the state of Opportunities up-to-date. Custom report types allowed the Customer to further build comprehensive reports that displayed the state of Accounts and Opportunities in full, which improved decision-making and sales activities planning. User profiles and permission sets enabled role-based user access to the CRM info, which helped to comply with the internal policies.
Technologies and Tools
Salesforce Sales Cloud (Professional edition), Process Builder, Salesforce Reports, Profiles and Permission Sets.